Sunday, June 19, 2016

"Walk by the Spirit"......and I don't mean Johnny Walker Black!

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.  For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for they are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”
—————————Galatians 5:16-17

So………….my wife and I are at a crossroads and at times, at odds with each other on what to do next.  I admit……I have been confused, very angry, discouraged and disillusioned by normal American Christians, especially myself.  
For the last 4 years, I have been thinking about my next 25 years on this planet and eternity. 
 Part of me says……relax Keith……just be a normal American and do normal American stuff……….
there is no need for adventure in your life.  
After all, your friends and family and acquaintances 
discuss their future ministry or service opportunities and probably never even think about it.
They live the American Dream in the here and now, counting their 401k's……letting life come to them…..
They are not struggling….why the hell should you??
You are 58 years old, safe, somewhat healthy, some friends, loved by a Godly woman and maybe one or two of your children and most of your Grandchildren, on a good day!
Just do what 99% of your friends, both Christian and non-Christian, do!!  
Live the free American luxurious life
….dreaming of your next luxurious vacation while lounging in your new home watching Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife do battle with a thrice married, billionaire orange clown on your new 65 inch LG 4K Curved TV in the cool comfort of your living room drinking your favorite beverage (Double Oaked Woodford Reserve or a Macchia Cab)!!!

………………………………But then, there is another part of me.  
My wife often times calls it “my impulsive nature” ………….. that scares the hell out of her.  
Its full of adventure and risk taking!
And it gets even more intense when I meet people like the young woman Linda and I had in our home last night!
Bright, full of life and a heart for God.
A heart for Missions!!
A heart for where my heart has been for the last 17 years…..Southeast Asia!
Sure…..I cried…..tearing up right now.  
Our Father is Faithful and he is still working in the hearts and minds of young people!
It was a great encouragement and she wants to visit our children’s home in Pua, Thailand. 
We were impressed with her passion and desire to help the poor as well as her willingness to take a risk to serve the Least.

Eldredge says…..
” When it comes to living and loving, what’s required is the willingness to jump in with both feet and be creative as you go.”

 And…..Wow……..was she willing!!  Unafraid! Bold! Determined!

"Heading off into the unknown with God”, Eldredge says……” there is a time in one’s life when you have to break away.. This is a vital part of our journey and if we balk here, the journey ends.”  

Oswald Chambers speaks words of wisdom when he says….

“There comes the baffling call of God in our lives also. The call of God can never
Be stated explicitly; it is implicit.  The call of God is like the call of the sea,
No one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him.  
It cannot be stated definitely what the call of God is to, because His call is to be in
Comradeship with himself for his own purposes, and the test is to believe that God knows what he is after.

There is no formula!  The only way to live in this adventure with its high stakes and risks and unpredictability is to do exactly what Paul told the Galatians in Chapter 5………

walk by the Spirit”.

So…………what about you my friend,  are you walking by the spirit into your next Adventure??

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