Monday, June 21, 2010

My First Post - Setting It Up - My Journey

So my wife has been encouraging me to do a journal for the last 22 years and today I decided to do it. She claims I have missed so many great opportunities by not recording all of my adventures and experiences in life since I have had the blessings to travel and meet many different humans on this planet. From the small country town folks of SC and NC and GA and AL and TX and MI and UT and FL and OH and WVA, to the friendly Muslims of Nigeria to the smiling Buddists of Thailand to the Industrialists of WuHu, China to the struggling poor of Mexico to the Socialists of Belgium, UK, Germany, France and Switzerland, I have interviewed, shared meals, prayed, laughed, cried, cursed, consumed all types of beverages, worked, taught, learned, agreed, disagreed, argued, cheered, etc. etc. etc.

I have realized that all of these peoples have one main thing in common -- the desire for love and purpose in a fallen world. So how do they find this love and purpose and where do they buy it? Or is it for sell? Like You, I have learned that People are the same no matter where they live, what they drive, what they wear, what they eat, who they sleep with or who they know.......they are all longing to be loved, appreciated, noticed, respected, admired, cherished...whether they are serving you a Big Mac Heart Attack or playing you a song on their Alto Sax or dropping names of VIPs or counting their $$$ out loud so the world can hear..........they all need the same thing...............

Reminds me of one of my favorite songs ---------The Call ----everyone needs to know, especially The Least, that They Matter. So some of this blog will be about that.........telling people that they Matter, they Count, they are Needed, they are Special...........and the rest will be about my past, present and future hold should be an interesting ride.

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