Sunday, June 27, 2010

Liars are Everywhere!

Have you ever told a lie? Well..........if you answered No to that just told a lie. Liars are everywhere. You work with them, you buy used cars from them, you laugh with them, you cry with them, you eat, drink and be merry with them, you go to church with them, you sleep with them, you fight with them, you raise them, they raise you, you love them, you hate them, you forgive them, you hold grudges against them.............

Have you ever wondered why so many of us lie on a regular basis?? It is so easy and convenient, isn't it? Notice, I said "us", since I am a liar too. I have lied to my family, wife, friends, employers, mother, father, sister and brother and others I do not remember. Its just too damn easy, especially when the chances of getting caught are quite low. And of course, everyone does it so why not? But does it make you feel good? How do you feel after telling a bold face lie? Or even a little white lie? Do you feel better about yourself? "Well, I really pulled one over on her. What a vulnerable, unsuspecting idiot!" Do you feel superior? Justified? Smarter? Better? More Powerful? I guess some people get a rush from it.

Have you ever been lied to? Ever caught someone in a lie? I will never forget when I was about 17. My father went back home to Alabama and bought a VW Beetle with low miles and brought it back to Georgia. He was so proud of it because he got a great deal. We drove it about a week and soon it began to fall apart and we realized that the 78k miles was more like 278k. The Alabama Used Car Dealer had turned back the odometer and lied to my Dad. He was furious to say the least as well as humiliated and drove the car back to Alabama and demanded his money back. Of course he got it back! He was part Comanche. They called him "Animal" on the High School football team not to mention he was a highly decorated, Special Forces Green Beret for one year in Korea and four years in Vietnam.

We all feel ripped off when we are lied to. Taken advantage of and used like a rag! It doesn't feel good. It surely doesn't build trust and love and respect. You feel betrayed, hurt deep inside. Some of us feel angry, vengeful and unloved. But telling lies is infectious and addictive. You get away with one little lie, it is so much easier to tell another and then another and then another. You get lost in lie after lie and you forget you are lying. You convince yourself that the lie is ok or maybe its really truth. And what is truth, anyway? Isn't it all relative. There is no real black and white in this world anymore. Francis Schaeffer called it Secular Humanism or "pure relativism". No real truth, just relative based on the situation and circumstances. No black and white, just shades of gray.

But most of us believe there is truth and we respect people who tell the truth. Men and women of integrity seem to be more and more rare these days. So why do many people lie? Is it money, sex, addictions, love, adultery, fear, insecurity, power, honor, glory, respect, etc?? I love truth and women of integrity who I know there word is there word. These are the people who are true friends...honest and full of integrity with no insincere motives. I trust them. I respect them. I need them in my life. I need them as friends and confidants who love me and want the absolute best for me. Yes....Liars are Everywhere, but there are a few truth tellers out there..............and when you find one in your life, you better hold on tight! Truth feels so much better!!!

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