Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Who needs Friends?

I do! But most people can count their real friends on one hand. Why is that? Many reasons. My wife and I had this discussion tonight concerning real friends. Do you have any? What do they look like? How do you know they are real friends? Is there a special formula?

I really dislike Facebook for this very reason. Their definition of Friends. How many Friends do you have on Facebook. One of my daughters has 789 facebook friends. So what does that mean? So as I discussed this issue with my wife, I realized I probably only have 5 or 6 real I'm not as popular as my doubt......I am certainly not as exciting and interesting. She is the most famous person I know. Maybe that's why she has so many friends.

But I think Facebook Friends are different from real friends. Perhaps they are just acquaintances or "friendly" people or nice people or funny or charming or pretty or handsome or _________ .............. you feel in the blank.......but are they friends who would lay it all down for you when you need them?? Friends who would give up their vacation to be with you?? Friends who would sacrifice their own wants and desires for you?? Friends who would sincerely pray for you and share their love for you, openly and freely?? Friends who would give to you without ever considering the cost?? Ok, you are right, I just changed the criteria.

The more I think about it now, that 5 or 6 just got reduced to two and one is not even on this planet. daughter has got me beat by a long least on Facebook. I only have one friend listed on Facebook because she is the only true Friend I have ever had on this planet. How do I know..........well that's another posting......

And my other friend.........................He reminds me of a simple song............What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.....what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.

Thank God for Friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute!! haha, momma's my best friend too :) Unfortunately I think a lot of people would call her their best friend....that's too much sharing for me....gonna have to take down some peeps...
