Saturday, July 9, 2016

Walking with God vs. Beating the Odds

I absolutely love to gamble!
Can’t tell you how many times I have been to Vegas!
And I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to figure out a method to beat the odds.
With Craps, hold the dice a certain way and get the right arch on the dice with only one bounce  to hit the end of the table.
Roulette – work the thirds of the table alternating to cover 2/3 of the table with every spin.
 Black Jack – you know the odds, use the rules card on when to stop cards from the dealer.

I’ve bought several Gambling Books on “Beating the Odds”.
Trying to set myself up to Win and Win Big!!!

Of course, none of them help!
And No, I didn’t bet the mortgage for “Baby needs a new pair of shoes”
Sure, I have made some stupid bets but not with money for milk.

And just like Eldredge says, I have tried to do that with my life.
Beat the odds of failure.
Read the next self-help book on marriage by Tony Robbins 
How to be a Better Leader by John Maxwell.
Or Faith and Healing and Positive Thinking by Joel Osteen

So why have I been fired so many times?
Why did I sell those 300K shares that went from 30 cents/share to $30/share at 32 cents?
The damn books aren’t working!!

Eldredge makes sense when he says………

"We end up with quite a list. But the only lasting fruit it seems to bear is that it ties us up in knots. Am I supposed to be reading now, or exercising, or monitoring my fat intake, or creating a teachable moment with my son? The good news is you can’t figure out life like that. You can’t possibly master enough principles and disciplines to ensure that your life works out. You weren’t meant to, and God won’t let you."

Eldredge, John (2010-09-19). Walking with God: Talk to Him. Hear from Him. Really. (p. 2). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

And I know some of you, just like myself, have not been happy in their jobs or marriages or church

You fill in the blank_________________________________

But Eldredge is right………

"That whole approach to life—trying to figure it out, beat the odds, get on top of your game—it is utterly godless. Meaning, entirely without God. He is nowhere in those considerations. That sort of scrambling smacks more of the infamous folks who raised the tower of Babel than it does of those who walked with God in the garden in the cool of the day."

Eldredge, John (2010-09-19). Walking with God: Talk to Him. Hear from Him. Really. (p. 2). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

But you know, the self help and beating the odds didn’t help Tony Robbins….
He is on his second marriage.
And if you have listened to Joel lately, you will notice that 
He is about as deep as the water level in our rain gage the past month.  


It seems to come down to learning to Walk with God.  Kind of like ……

Galatians 5:16,17
“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for they are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”

And that’s what this next book is about……
Learning how to have an intimate walk, daily, with the Living God.
I have been on crutches for a long time and just switched over to my cane.

How is your walk?  

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Next Chapter: Walking with God vs. Smack Talkin! Your Choice?

Obey God in the thing he shows you, and instantly the next thing is opened up.
God will never reveal more truth about himself until you have obeyed what you know already………..
This chapter brings out the delight of real friendship with God.  

————Oswald Chambers

When it comes to Spirituality, I can talk some smack!!
I know all the right terms and verses and quotes and doctrines and phrases……..
God Help Me!!

To Stop the Smack Talk
Start the Real Walk…….

not a Moon Walk……or a Poser Walk
But a Walk with my Friend
John 15:15
“I no longer call you servants…………”
A Holy Walk…..loving purity and the Holiness of God!

This book has changed me.  Given to me by my daughter over 10 years ago, I never picked it up until 8 months ago.
The timing was right…….it has rocked me………deep…….in my soul.
Next to the Word of God, Wild at Heart is by far, “My Best Read”, ever!
I would put it over the Westminster Confession any day of the week.

But this is not a book plug, its a life plug!

Dallas Willard writes, “The ideal for divine guidance is …a conversational relationship with God: 
The sort of relationship suited to friends who are mature personalities in a shared  enterprise."
Eldredge suggests we should engage God in simple questions:

“What are you teaching me to do?
What are you teaching me to let go of?
What in my heart are you speaking to?”

So…….I’m gonna try to ask these questions when I am being surrounded by the Philistines……as 
David did in 2 Samuel 5:17-20, 22-25.  No Formula…….
But an open heart……listening to the Spirit of God……speak…..and He will speak.
Do you Hear Him?
Is He is speaking to YOU?

Next Book……….

Walking with God
John Eldredge

Sunday, June 19, 2016

"Walk by the Spirit"......and I don't mean Johnny Walker Black!

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.  For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for they are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”
—————————Galatians 5:16-17

So………….my wife and I are at a crossroads and at times, at odds with each other on what to do next.  I admit……I have been confused, very angry, discouraged and disillusioned by normal American Christians, especially myself.  
For the last 4 years, I have been thinking about my next 25 years on this planet and eternity. 
 Part of me says……relax Keith……just be a normal American and do normal American stuff……….
there is no need for adventure in your life.  
After all, your friends and family and acquaintances 
discuss their future ministry or service opportunities and probably never even think about it.
They live the American Dream in the here and now, counting their 401k's……letting life come to them…..
They are not struggling….why the hell should you??
You are 58 years old, safe, somewhat healthy, some friends, loved by a Godly woman and maybe one or two of your children and most of your Grandchildren, on a good day!
Just do what 99% of your friends, both Christian and non-Christian, do!!  
Live the free American luxurious life
….dreaming of your next luxurious vacation while lounging in your new home watching Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife do battle with a thrice married, billionaire orange clown on your new 65 inch LG 4K Curved TV in the cool comfort of your living room drinking your favorite beverage (Double Oaked Woodford Reserve or a Macchia Cab)!!!

………………………………But then, there is another part of me.  
My wife often times calls it “my impulsive nature” ………….. that scares the hell out of her.  
Its full of adventure and risk taking!
And it gets even more intense when I meet people like the young woman Linda and I had in our home last night!
Bright, full of life and a heart for God.
A heart for Missions!!
A heart for where my heart has been for the last 17 years…..Southeast Asia!
Sure…..I cried…..tearing up right now.  
Our Father is Faithful and he is still working in the hearts and minds of young people!
It was a great encouragement and she wants to visit our children’s home in Pua, Thailand. 
We were impressed with her passion and desire to help the poor as well as her willingness to take a risk to serve the Least.

Eldredge says…..
” When it comes to living and loving, what’s required is the willingness to jump in with both feet and be creative as you go.”

 And…..Wow……..was she willing!!  Unafraid! Bold! Determined!

"Heading off into the unknown with God”, Eldredge says……” there is a time in one’s life when you have to break away.. This is a vital part of our journey and if we balk here, the journey ends.”  

Oswald Chambers speaks words of wisdom when he says….

“There comes the baffling call of God in our lives also. The call of God can never
Be stated explicitly; it is implicit.  The call of God is like the call of the sea,
No one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him.  
It cannot be stated definitely what the call of God is to, because His call is to be in
Comradeship with himself for his own purposes, and the test is to believe that God knows what he is after.

There is no formula!  The only way to live in this adventure with its high stakes and risks and unpredictability is to do exactly what Paul told the Galatians in Chapter 5………

walk by the Spirit”.

So…………what about you my friend,  are you walking by the spirit into your next Adventure??

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Our Father is a Person, Not a Formula! The Legalist is confused!

Naturally, we are inclined to be so mathematical and calculating that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing…………Certainty is the mark of the common sense life; gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life.  To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth.  This is generally said with a sigh of sadness; it should rather be an expression of breathless expectation.  ( My Utmost for His Highest)
—————Oswald Chambers

The realm of God is dangerous.  You must enter into it and not just seek information about it.
——————Archbishop Anthony Bloom

………….and I have to say that much of my early life as a Believer, was just that!!  I viewed God as just a Doctrine…….and so I studied Doctrines……Armenism, Calvinism, Charismania, Pentecostalism,  Faith Healing, Name it Claim Wealth Doctrines, etc.  And that is what I did…..I sought more and more information…..but not a relationship with my Father in Heaven!!  I knew about His History but not so much about his person.  I know many very knowledgeable men who claim that Doctrine is everything.  They are logical, systematic, clear and precise, convincing and inspiring………but it appears to me………they are also ineffective with Dead Faith and lots and lots of Knowledge about God but little Action.  They have taken little risk in their lives and what I have seen……….they have little joy………caught up in the seeking for more knowledge and the cares of this world.  Lots of discussion about who God is but little action of what He is telling them to do in practice of their Faith.  This is my observation and yes……………. I have been quite judgmental of them but I think and I hope…….. I am getting past that.  I want to learn from my friends……….not become like them or just judge them.  That doesn’t help me or challenge me spiritually.

This life is short and why do I want to live it just “working for the legal tender” as Jackson Browne sings in his famous song The Pretender.  Is my legacy important?  Should it be?  Why do so few people I know and you know take a risk??  I believe we are "Slaves to Fear”……we are afraid of the unknown, uncertainty, becoming poor, dying poor, not having enough of anything……..especially the American Dream.  And that’s why I love this song by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser.

I am no longer a Slave to Fear……….I am a Child of God

Am I called to be less daring than Joshua in the Battle of Jericho or Gideon when his army was reduced from 32,000 to 300?  They were mere men just like you and me!!!  

I have to agree with Elderidge when he says:

The problem with modern Christianity’s obsession with principles is that it removes 
any real conversation with God.  Find the principles, apply the principle
———what do you need God for?  So Oswald Chambers warns us, 
“Never make a principle out of your experience; 
let God be as original with other people as he is with you."

So give me your original thought about your destiny
………share it………..
Come on……..

Be Un-American!  Take a Risk for a Change!!

Saturday, June 4, 2016


"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs are people who have come alive.
———Gil Bailie

This is the phrase that helped change Eldridge’s life when he was gasping and grasping for purpose!!  

Are you living a script written for you by someone else?  Are you acting a part that someone else wants you to act but your heart is not there?  Can a world of Posers tell you to do anything but pose yourself?  Why listen to them?

Beuchner says, “We are in constant danger of being not actors in the drama of our lives, but reactors, to go where the world takes us, to drift with whatever current is running the strongest.”  It might be a job or your grandchildren or your dream home or your retirement or __________, you fill in the blank.  I have a friend going to the dangerous Middle East……….all for security and retirement bliss.  I was told last week that I needed to have $1.5 million to retire…… and absolute nonsense……….but the world and others are always wanting you to react from fear…….fear of not having enough $$$, or fame or recognition or comfort or attention…….all selfish stuff but we react to it and believe it all………..All LIES…….a pack of lies from this world 
Are you spending most of the energy of your life trying to eliminate or avoid risk?  Most men do!  Many of the people I know and work with and have known for many years are doing all that they can to eliminate the risk of dying poor.  Their lives are consumed with the fear of not having enough money to retire or live a certain lifestyle.  They find security in counting their money.  My Mother certainly did…….spoke of her money often…………loved it and treasured it and was suffocated by it.  Never took a risk with it to help others outside her immediate family and was hell bent on dying rich.  What about dying poor?  What about taking a risk to give until it hurts.  (Mark 8:36)  I met a person recently who is not yet 50 with over a million in savings.  Full of fear that their spouse might leave and they would be less rich.  Searching for purpose outside of Jesus but not knowing what gives security and pleasure.  The money is not enough.  What a wealthy life!!  What a sad life!!

Eldridge is correct when he says………”you can lose your soul, by the way, long before you die.”  And I see and know so many people who have lost their souls………to money, to sex, to greed, to fun and pleasure, to their appearance, etc. and are no where near death.  But is that any way to live?  I have friends who have told me that they are bored in retirement with nothing to do.  Late 50’s with nothing to do…… one to help or serve or give to???  Bored!???  

But how do you beat boredom?  How do you come alive and seek a life worth living?  You take a risk.  You take an adventure.  If you had permission to do what you really want to do, what would you do?  Forget how.  That’s God’s department.  What is your true heart’s desire?  What gives you great joy and makes you come alive?  I ask these questions of myself because I, like the Author, want "to live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit, not feeding on the compulsions of selfishness.”  

I want to come alive and live life to its fullest.  What about you???




If you can’t worship the Living God to this song, I am not sure it can be done!!!  See below.

Monday, May 30, 2016

What level of Risk are You willing to Take? For Eternity?

"God spilt the life of his Son that we might be saved, are we prepared to spill out our lives?”
——Oswald Chambers

The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
————Frederick Buechner

What level of Risk are you willing take?  Are you full of fear?  Are you afraid to take a chance?  Have you ever given like a Macedonian?  

We want you to know, brothers, [1] about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints— 2 Corinthians 8:1-3

In “Risk is Right”, in the forward of John Pipers book, David Platt quotes Matthew 13: 44 where Jesus tells his disciples, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

Piper, John (2013-01-31). Risk Is Right: Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It (p. 9). Crossway. Kindle Edition. 

Platt says, "This is the picture of Jesus in the gospel. He is something— someone— worth losing everything for. When we really believe this, then risking everything we are and everything we have, to know and obey Christ is no longer a matter of sacrifice. It’s just common sense. To let go of the pursuits, possessions, pleasures, safety, and security of this world in order to follow Jesus wherever he leads, no matter what it costs, is not sacrificial as much as it is smart. In the words of Jim Elliot, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

But where are the “Jim Elliots” these days?  Do you know any men or women (Elizabeth Elliot) like this?  I don’t !!  Why not?  Its like the question I asked a month ago in a blog……..”Do you have anyone in your life who will shed blood with you in the fight and stand by you to sacrifice for and with you?”  But is that the right question?  The real question as I pondered this is……….”Will I be that person for someone else?  Am I willing to take the first step?  Am I willing to take a risk?

Can I truly agree with Paul and Piper in the first chapter, The Ultimate Meaning of Life…………….. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Phil. 1: 20– 21)

Piper, John (2013-01-31). Risk Is Right: Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It (p. 13). Crossway. Kindle Edition. 

Of course not and if you are honest…………you can’t say it either because you cling to everything just like I do.  You love money and security even if it robs your joy and makes you mediocre in the Kingdom……..I feel more secure on this planet than I would in the perfect will of God.  Can you see how silly and stupid this sounds?

Have you ever looked down into a pool of water……..on a cliff 40 or 50 feet above…………trying to decide if you have the guts to jump???  I remember twice in my life…once in WVA and another time in NC………it was thrilling!  Scary…………was I willing to take the risk?  But after I did it, I did it again and again…….because it was exhilarating!!!!  The fear turned into the thrill of freedom!!!

I have to agree with Eldridge when he says….”I want to live my whole life like that.  I want to love with much more abandon and stop waiting for others to love me first.  I want to hurl myself into a creative work worthy of God.  I want to charge the fields of Bannockburn, follow Peter as he followed Christ out onto the sea, pray from my hearts true desires.”

Don’t let this stinkin, selfish world rob you of joy, it aint worth it compared to Eternity…………Take a Risk…….Take an Adventure!  You will never have enough money because you love it so much and the so-called security it brings………Understand what Buechner is saying…….God is calling you to deep gladness to meet a need………..a need that you are called to meet…………Listen to Him, take the risk and go Practice your Faith.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Band of Brothers ready to shed their blood with you...Do you have Brothers like this?

Come on………I know the answer…’s not NO….it’s HELLLLLLLL NO!!!!  And that is sad!

Eldridge in Wild at Heart, claims…..”We don’t need an accountability group or a meeting of really nice guys…….we need fellow warriors, a gathering of Really Dangerous Men.”  

David Smith writes in the Friendless American Male, "One problem is the friendless condition of the American Male….men can’t admit that they need the fellowship of other men.”  

I call it the Cowboy mentality…….. the tough guy…….I remember the days when my Father would get hurt by my Mother or feel down about something.  He would get his feelings hurt but never admit it.  In fact, he would say……"don’t worry about me, I don’t have any feelings.  You can’t hurt my feelings because I don’t have any.”  Now……I admit…..that he was a tough guy…….part Comanche Indian, Special Forces Green Beret, one year Korean War, 4 years Vietnam, 2 purple hearts, (unlike John Kerry, his wounds required hospital treatment and stitches) one bronze star, one silver medal ……….they called him “Animal” on the High School football team.  He was tough……..but he damn sure had feelings and they got hurt a lot but he never had another man he could share his heart with…….so sometimes he would share it with me when I was a teenager.  

He would share his pain and his hurt………what a horrible marriage he had and it saddened him deeply……..he had killed many North Viet Cong but was unable to heal and repair his own marriage or the lung cancer he eventually died from.  

What does Jesus mean in Matthew 11:12?  "The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force.”  I really don’t think he is talking about “couch potatoes” and “Video Gamers”.  I think he is talking about "men of passion" and masculine aggression and fearlessness, brave, loyal and dedicated to the cause of Christ!  I don’t know many me like that today………do you?  But if you find him……..I recommend that you fall on your knees and beg him to mentor you!

When I was 13 years old, we lived at Ft Benning in Columbus, GA.  My father has just returned from Vietnam and he would eventually leave the Army due to the post war cut back.  But I vaguely remember one night where he met with the men who he fought along side in Vietnam…….all junior to him.  He had fought for his life with them and one of his Sergeants had saved my father’s life when the enemy had attacked him at night to cut his throat.  These men, without the Lord, were still truly a Band of Brothers.  I will never forget how thrilled my father was when he met with them and how close they were.  They needed each other and had depended on each other and it showed.  They were Warriors who needed each other!!

King David fell into sin with Bathsheba when he was no longer a Warrior strolling around the roof of the palace.  2 Samuel 11:1.  He got lazy and became a couch potato playing games and fell……sharing with no one…….Posing………and falling

What about you……… Tough Guy?  Who do you depend on??

Response from a Reader……..Don’t Blame the Devil………

James answers that question rather succinctly in chapter 4

"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." James 4:1-3  
Fighting comes from selfishness and blame shifting and pride. Oh yes, the devil tempts us, because James also says "resist the devil," but the bulk of the passage concentrates on OUR love of the world and OUR lack of humility; James goes on:

"You adulterous people,[a] don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us[b]But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
“God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”[c]
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." James 4:4-10

We love the world and we want its 'stuff,' and we resent those who get in the way of us getting that 'stuff.'  "We desire, but do not have, so we kill." Oh we don't actually murder the other person, we just use our words to stab at them with exaggerated untruths or dismissive comments that question their worth, while gaining sympathy for 'our cause' by slandering them to others. James knows how it works:

"11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister[d] or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?" James 4:11-12


 "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." James 3:5-6

So the answer is that the devil is an opportunist who waits for an opening - most often to tempt us when we are feeling sorry for ourselves because we don't have some kind of worldly stuff that we think we deserve, and it is our mate's *fault* for some reason or other so we fight with them.

But it isn't the devils fault. We can't blame him. It is our lusts that we have been carried away by. The lust for recognition, sensuality, money, honor, excitement, status, success, possessions, glory - always there is somebody "getting in the way" of us getting these things.

I write this because I know whereof I speak. I am at heart a murderer who would destroy with words those who got in my way. This is the shame I have been rescued from by Jesus

Can we Blame it on the Devil, the “Accuser of the Brethren”???  Is it a spiritual battle between you and the enemy and your wife…….not just you and your wife……..both ‘in the flesh”?  Have you ever felt, like I have, that no matter how you tried to be clear in communicating with the love of your life, your lover, the Mother of your children, your soul mate for life, and your bestest friend on the planet……….no matter how hard you try………you don’t get through and you don’t have a freakin clue how to get through!!!

Now…………is that the enemy or my stinkin inadequacy and/or flesh/sin??  Cause I know how inadequate I am in communicating with my wife and women.   But I can tell you that there have been times where I felt there was a block and a barrier and it was supernatural, not normal or natural and it was oppressive!!  Call it demonic, evil, queer, strange, abnormal, mystical or supernatural, other worldly???  I don’t know……but I sure felt helpless, no clue and powerless to communicate!!!!

And I do know that when we do communicate and understand each other, our ministry is powerful and effective and giving.  We have served together powerfully and loved many children together selflessly to the Glory of God.  But there have been times where we have not done well together………… that the Enemy, Lucifer, the Devil, the accuser of the Brethren??  Eldridge says it is and so does C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters.  The Devil is concealing himself and doesn’t want you to believe he exists because he is much more effective this way.   

Is Peter right????  Is the Devil a roaring Lion?  Seeking whom he may devour?  What do you think?  Do we fight the ones we love the most because of an evil force know as the Slanderer, the fallen Angel…..Lucifer? 

Look forward to hearing your comments…………..

The World of Posers is Shaken by a Real Man!!!

Did you ask those two questions of yourself last week?


2.  Where are you deriving your sense of strength and power from?  Ask yourself this question often.  

Maybe I am wrong, but I would assume that most of you didn’t ………….

Why should you?  You are comfortable, safe, healthy, employed……But are you effective in and for the Kingdom?  For Jesus?  I often doubt my effectiveness!!!  Do you?  Or do you even think about it??……….your eternal purpose?  I don’t …….enough!!

It is sooooo much easier to be a Poser than a Real Man….to stand for the underdog, the "not so pretty", uneducated, poor, down trodden…is tough!!!!       ..Real men expose posers……you will not be popular……..or well liked by many…… will be challenged and humiliated……….not so cool anymore……kinda like Jesus……..crucified and buried but back, risen, and seen by over 500 people!  

I met a young 13 year old boy today who was visiting our house with friends.  When I innocently asked him about his father, he hung his head and with a sad voice told me his father had died when he was 5 years old as a war hero.  His Aunt later told me that his father had committed suicide as a Soldier and the boy was not told the truth.  Sad……this life is sad in many ways……and there are young boys out there with no Real Men in their lives.  Why not you??  Why not me??  Wellllll……… know the answer to that question…….we answered it at the beginning… are comfortable, safe, healthy and employed……….why the hell would I get involved with a young sad boy?

But don’t be afraid to let your strength show up………..the real you……the Real Man…….Let People feel the Weight of Who you Really are…..and let them deal with it.  You and I both have a lot to offer "fatherless 13 year old boys”.  Go find one and teach him how to be a Real Man.

Do  people know who you really are?  Are you afraid to show them?  Are you afraid to be real and vulnerable?  Are you posing for protection?  

I remember going to a high school reunion a few years ago and meeting some buddies who had made it big….multi millionaires, married to beautiful, young women, driving fast cars and living in big houses on the beach, prestige and big titles like CEO and President……They were Legends in their own Minds!  Although we were close in high school, they were very different now and I did not recognize them and they chose not to really acknowledge me.  I remember thinking what money can do to a man and how we all live for this temporary pleasure of wealth and self-importance and how phony it all was!!

What is the “World” mentioned in the Bible?  Eldredge says “the World is not a place or set of behaviors like drinking or dancing or going to bars, etc.—it is any system built by our collective sin, all our false selves coming together to reward and destroy each other.  Take all those posers out there, put them together in an office or club or a church and want you get is what the Scriptures mean by the World.”  
He goes on to say……”the World is carnival of counterfeits, counterfeit battles, counterfeit adventures, counterfeit beauties.  Men should think of it as a corruption of their strength.  Battle your way to the top, says the World, and you are a Man (or The Man).  Why is it then that the men who get there are the most prideful, fearful, frightened, most emptiest posers around?  They are mercenaries battling to build their own kingdoms.  There is nothing transcendant about their own lives.

And the same holds true for adventure addicts……after the last adventure and the thrill is gone, it is still just a hobby.  And we are all looking for that Golden-haired woman, the counterfeit beauty…..we are told to go for her. 

Eldredge says again:


Where are you deriving your sense of strength and power from?  Ask yourself this question often.  

I am struggling with that now.  I have had several chances in my live over the years to become very wealthy and God removed the opportunity……..for my own good.  He knew that I could not handle it, that I would spend the wealth on me and prefer myself to others and my wife… for myself and not Him……for God’s sake, I have enough problem with that now in my present state.  

Eldridge says….” Don’t be a self-promoter, choose the path of humility, climb down the ladder……invite the mail clerk home for dinner."

I fly a lot and it is often times a miserable experience.  People are tired and miserable and grumpy.  I try to find people doing something right and tell them about it…… the flight attendant who smiles at me after a 12 hour day or the janitor scrubbing the toilet at the airport, giving it everything he’s got……to the glory of God.  

Are you a Counterfeit????……….or do you let people feel the weight of who you really are??

Let People Feel the Weight of Who you really are!!!

Do  people know who you really are?  Are you afraid to show them?  Are you afraid to be real and vulnerable?  Are you posing for protection?  

I remember going to a high school reunion a few years ago and meeting some buddies who had made it big….multi millionaires, married to beautiful, young women, driving fast cars and living in big houses on the beach, prestige and big titles like CEO and President……They were Legends in their own Minds!  Although we were close in high school, they were very different now and I did not recognize them and they chose not to really acknowledge me.  I remember thinking what money can do to a man and how we all live for this temporary pleasure of wealth and self-importance and how phony it all was!!

What is the “World” mentioned in the Bible?  Eldredge says “the World is not a place or set of behaviors like drinking or dancing or going to bars, etc.—it is any system built by our collective sin, all our false selves coming together to reward and destroy each other.  Take all those posers out there, put them together in an office or club or a church and want you get is what the Scriptures mean by the World.”  
He goes on to say……”the World is carnival of counterfeits, counterfeit battles, counterfeit adventures, counterfeit beauties.  Men should think of it as a corruption of their strength.  Battle your way to the top, says the World, and you are a Man (or The Man).  Why is it then that the men who get there are the most prideful, fearful, frightened, most emptiest posers around?  They are mercenaries battling to build their own kingdoms.  There is nothing transcendant about their own lives.

And the same holds true for adventure addicts……after the last adventure and the thrill is gone, it is still just a hobby.  And we are all looking for that Golden-haired woman, the counterfeit beauty…..we are told to go for her. 

Eldredge says again:


Where are you deriving your sense of strength and power from?  Ask yourself this question often.  

I am struggling with that now.  I have had several chances in my live over the years to become very wealthy and God removed the opportunity……..for my own good.  He knew that I could not handle it, that I would spend the wealth on me and prefer myself to others and my wife… for myself and not Him……for God’s sake, I have enough problem with that now in my present state.  

Eldridge says….” Don’t be a self-promoter, choose the path of humility, climb down the ladder……invite the mail clerk home for dinner."

I fly a lot and it is often times a miserable experience.  People are tired and miserable and grumpy.  I try to find people doing something right and tell them about it…… the flight attendant who smiles at me after a 12 hour day or the janitor scrubbing the toilet at the airport, giving it everything he’s got……to the glory of God.  

Are you a Counterfeit????……….or do you let people feel the weight of who you really are??

Being Real is Fearful

I got a lot of responses this past week and I sincerely appreciate the prayers and encouragement.  Interesting to hear that many people are really reading this blog every Saturday morning.  I had people actually call me from around the country to encourage me.  Some with similar experiences, fears, pains, frustrations, sadness, disappointments, pity parties and selfish flesh.  Some read it more than once……I hope it spoke to your heart because it came from mine.  Its also interesting who did not respond………..some people who had been through the death of parents but would rather not confess the pain or admit anything because its scary…..its vulnerable,,,,,,,uncomfortable………..

Its tough for men to be real…..scary as hell……..we would all rather be Posers, fakes and phonies…….but I have found that when you try it, other men identify, many don’t because its easier not to.  But some do and want to be real.  They want to be who God really made them to be…..a real man who loves a fight, an adventure and the love of a lady.  But we so easily forget who we are in Christ, don’t we???

As Eldridge says:

Ever since that fateful day when Adam gave away the essence of his strength, men have struggled with a part of themselves that is ready at the drop of a hat to do the same. 
We don’t want to speak up unless we know it will go well, and we don’t want to move unless we’re guaranteed success. What the Scriptures call the flesh, the old man, or the sinful nature, is that part of fallen Adam in every man that always wants the easiest way out. 

It’s much easier to masturbate than to make love to your wife, especially if things are not well between you and initiating sex with her feels risky. It’s much easier to go down to the driving range and attack a bucket of balls than it is to face the people at work who are angry at you.

 It’s much easier to clean the garage, organize your files, cut the grass, or work on the car than it is to talk to your teenage daughter. 

To put it bluntly, your flesh is a weasel, a poser, and a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you. Did you know that? Your flesh is not the real you. 

When Paul gives us his famous passage on what it’s like to struggle with sin (Rom. 7), he tells a story we are all too familiar with: I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge. 

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (pp. 143-144). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

I want my friends to be real…..I want to be real….but I am full of fear just like you.  How do we break through???  Any ideas??

OH Death, Where is thy sting?
My Mother Died Last Wednesday!  SAD!!  It was not a pleasant experience……it was painful…for her….for her children……grandchildren………..and all the people who watched her waste away at 75 lbs in fear…….lots of fear…..fear of the unknown………Her lover and companion of 27 years had died on Sunday, 3 days prior…….of a horrible death from lung cancer….not pleasant either………..but what was really not pleasant was their denial of Eternity………In fact, I mentioned eternity at the grave side short message.  Sad!  My Father had faced Eternity almost 50 years prior at the same grave site we stood at!!  He was only 32 years old with a 1 year old, 6 year old and me at 8 years on June 5, 1966.  Death is sudden, unforgiving, undeniable, permanent, final………and quite sobering…….although I did have a few drinks before and after the funeral.  

My sister asked me this morning at 1am…are you doing ok this week?   MY response…..”Total sadness.  I do not want to die sad.  Do you?  I want joy unspeakable and full of glory!”

 Eldridge says in Wild at Heart…………

The root of all our woes and our false self was this: We were seeking to save our life and we lost it. Christ calls a man beyond that, “but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it” (Mark 8: 35). 
Again, this isn’t just about being willing to die for Christ; it’s much more daily than that. For years all my daily energy was spent trying to beat the trials in my life and arrange for a little pleasure. My weeks were wasted away either striving or indulging. I was a mercenary. A mercenary fights for pay, for his own benefit; his life is devoted to himself. “The quality of a true warrior,” says Bly, “is that he is in service to a purpose greater than himself; that is, to a transcendent cause.” That is the moving quality in Ballou’s letter; that is the secret of the warrior-heart of Jesus.

And that was my Mother…..trying to beat the trials and she had plenty……..striving, indulging a lot……. in booze and drugs…….fighting for pay…..more of something……devoted to herself…….she would always say….”I'm gonna start takin care of Wanda for a change and thinkin about what I want”……….but her life was always devoted to her addictions…….yes………she loved her children………but she loved her addictions more!  No question…..Saaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!!  

What a wake up call for me!  What is my legacy??  How do I want to be remembered…….quite amazing how my children remembered their Mimi and how I remembered their Mimi!!!  Very different perspectives!  I always blamed her for my childhood……..the drunkeness and adulteries and craziness……….but little did I know or admit……there was Traitor within………my selfish…..stinking flesh that occupied and still occupies my heart.   So…….who do you blame????

Eldridge says…..


 However strong a castle may be, if a treacherous party resides inside (ready to betray at the first opportunity possible), the castle cannot be kept safe from the enemy. Traitors occupy our own hearts, ready to side with every temptation and to surrender to them all. (John Owen, Sin and Temptation)

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (p. 143). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (p. 143). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

O Death, where is thy Sting?

My Mother Died Last Wednesday!  SAD!!  It was not a pleasant experience……it was painful…for her….for her children……grandchildren………..and all the people who watched her waste away at 75 lbs in fear…….lots of fear…..fear of the unknown………Her lover and companion of 27 years had died on Sunday, 3 days prior…….of a horrible death from lung cancer….not pleasant either………..but what was really not pleasant was their denial of Eternity………In fact, I mentioned eternity at the grave side short message.  Sad!  My Father had faced Eternity almost 50 years prior at the same grave site we stood at!!  He was only 32 years old with a 1 year old, 6 year old and me at 8 years on June 5, 1966.  Death is sudden, unforgiving, undeniable, permanent, final………and quite sobering…….although I did have a few drinks before and after the funeral.  

My sister asked me this morning at 1am…are you doing ok this week?   MY response…..”Total sadness.  I do not want to die sad.  Do you?  I want joy unspeakable and full of glory!”

 Eldridge says in Wild at Heart…………

The root of all our woes and our false self was this: We were seeking to save our life and we lost it. Christ calls a man beyond that, “but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it” (Mark 8: 35). 
Again, this isn’t just about being willing to die for Christ; it’s much more daily than that. For years all my daily energy was spent trying to beat the trials in my life and arrange for a little pleasure. My weeks were wasted away either striving or indulging. I was a mercenary. A mercenary fights for pay, for his own benefit; his life is devoted to himself. “The quality of a true warrior,” says Bly, “is that he is in service to a purpose greater than himself; that is, to a transcendent cause.” That is the moving quality in Ballou’s letter; that is the secret of the warrior-heart of Jesus.

And that was my Mother…..trying to beat the trials and she had plenty……..striving, indulging a lot……. in booze and drugs…….fighting for pay…..more of something……devoted to herself…….she would always say….”I'm gonna start takin care of Wanda for a change and thinkin about what I want”……….but her life was always devoted to her addictions…….yes………she loved her children………but she loved her addictions more!  No question…..Saaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!!  

What a wake up call for me!  What is my legacy??  How do I want to be remembered…….quite amazing how my children remembered their Mimi and how I remembered their Mimi!!!  Very different perspectives!  I always blamed her for my childhood……..the drunkeness and adulteries and craziness……….but little did I know or admit……there was Traitor within………my selfish…..stinking flesh that occupied and still occupies my heart.   So…….who do you blame????

Eldridge says…..


 However strong a castle may be, if a treacherous party resides inside (ready to betray at the first opportunity possible), the castle cannot be kept safe from the enemy. Traitors occupy our own hearts, ready to side with every temptation and to surrender to them all. (John Owen, Sin and Temptation)

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (p. 143). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (p. 143). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

David fought the uncircumsczed Philistine.........Should you??

Keith from the heart…………
The minute I started reading this chapter, I immediately thought about the Shepherd boy who stood up before the great warriors of Israel and said, 
“For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" 1 Samuel 17:26b
“And Saul said to David, “You  are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him, for you are but a youth, and he has been a man of war from this youth”. 1 Samuel 17:33
And David said to Saul……..”Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God.  And David said, “ the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of    this Philistine.  And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”  1 Samuel 17: 36-37

Can you and I be like David or are we called to be just Spectators of the Battle like David’s eldest brother, Eliab, and the other seasoned warriors of Israel???  They watched, Cowards, spectators, nay-sayers, afraid to commit……..Afraid to give, afraid to sacrifice and get involved, afraid to be wounded during the fight, afraid of losing, afraid of being humiliated, disgraced, condemned and proven wrong???  The news is not good, my friends!  I know many Christian men like this and I too, have been this man most of my life…..a man of the temporary earth, not a man of eternity and eternal causes…………its really not just about how much you pray, or study, or talk or teach or sound super spiritual………life is more than that……….you have to sign up for the fight…….whatever that call is ………..whatever God is telling you……..there will be a fight involved and you have to act on it!!!

Listen to Eldredge:

A man must have a battle to fight, a great mission to his life that involves and yet transcends even home and family. He must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death, for this is written into the fabric of his being. Listen carefully now: You do. That is why God created you— to be his intimate ally, to join him in the Great Battle. You have a specific place in the line, a mission God made you for. That is why it is so essential to hear from God about your true name, because in that name is the mission of your life. Churchill was called upon to lead the British through the desperate hours of WWII. He said, “I felt as if I were walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial.” The same is true of you; your whole life has been preparation

 Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (pp. 141-142). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

Don’t wait another day, my Brothers!!!!!  Stand up to fight the battle……..whatever the battle God is calling you to!  Only you know what it is……..But do not put it off another day………when you are more financially stable, empty nested, free of other obligations, not working 50 hour weeks, have a better marriage, or get married, or divorced, etc, etc, etc………that day will never come!  Pray for me that I will move forward to fight the battle God has called me to..

Eldredge says again:
That’s a lie of the Enemy— that your place is really insignificant, that you aren’t really armed for it anyway. In your life you are William Wallace— who else could be? There is no other man who can replace you in your life, in the arena you’ve been called to. If you leave your place in the line, it will remain empty. No one else can be who you are meant to be. You are the hero in your story. Not a bit player, not an extra, but the main man. This is the next leg in the initiation journey, when God calls a man forward to the front lines. He wants to develop and release in us the qualities every warrior needs— including a keen awareness of the enemies we will face. 

 Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (p. 142). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

Should you trust a Man who hasn't Suffered??

Yes. True strength does not come out of bravado. 

Until we are broken, our life will be self-centered, self-reliant; our strength will be our own. So long as you think you are really something in and of yourself, what will you need God for? I don’t trust a man who hasn’t suffered; I don’t let a man get close to me who hasn’t faced his wound. Think of the posers you know— are they the kind of man you would call at 2: 00 A.M., when life is collapsing around you? Not me. I don’t want clichés; I want deep, soulful truth, and that only comes when a man has walked the road I’ve been talking about.

Enemy-occupied territory— that is what this world is. —C. S. LEWIS 

We are but warriors for the working-day; Our gayness and our gilt are all besmirch’d With rainy marching in the painful field . . . But, by the mass, our hearts are in the trim. —HENRY V 

If we would endeavor, like men of courage, to stand in the battle, surely we would feel the favorable assistance of God from Heaven. For he who giveth us occasion to fight, to the end we may get the victory, is ready to succor those that fight manfully, and do trust in his grace. —THOMAS À KEMPIS

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul (p. 139). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

Thailand and the Poor - Why keep coming back??

As I walk the streets and drive the country side of Thailand this week, I am wondering what poverty is, is this it??  And what am I called to do concerning the poor?  I mean Jesus said….”The poor will always be with us.”  Right?  So whats the big deal?  Well, I read this prophetic verse from Isaiah again and ponder what it really means.  

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;”
Isaiah 61:1 ESV

Who did Jesus deal with and work with and talk to and love?  It seems to be the poor, the sick, and seldom appears to be the rich.  Would he hang with Donald Trump if He came back today?  But they all need a Saviour!  Even The Donald!  But do they recognize that?  

Who are the “Worthy Poor”?  The “Poorest of Poor”?

I know, I know…..too many questions and no answers!!  But I would appreciate your comments……………